Local Senior Citizen Selected for Ohio Hall of Fame

     The Ohio Department of Aging, the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging and members of the Ohio General Assembly will induct Mary L. McDonald, of Mansfield, along with 11 other outstanding older Ohioans from around the state, into the Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame during a special ceremony on Thursday, May 31, at the Statehouse Atrium in Columbus.

“At the Department of Aging, we believe in celebrating the relevance of our elders every day,” said Beverley Laubert, interim director of the department. “Mrs. McDonald has spent a lifetime providing opportunities for older adults in her community to thrive and contribute. She is a fearless leader who strives to fill every need she sees.”

Mrs. McDonald is an advocate and a visionary leader who has changed the lives of many in her Mansfield community. In the 1970s, she helped establish the Friendship Center for local seniors, and served as its director for 20 years. Today, she leads “Yes We Can Seniors” which continues her community’s legacy of providing opportunities and resources for elders.

The Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame was established in 1977 to honor Ohioans age 60 and older for achievements and contributions to others, the roles they play in their communities, state and nation, and for what they do to promote productive and enjoyable lives. Their stories are compelling and represent lifetimes of dedication, ingenuity, perseverance, kindness and compassion. This year’s inductees range in age from 63 to 97.  Mrs. McDonald’s addition brings the total number of hall of fame members to 474.

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