Get Ready To "Stuff The Bus"!

I can't believe it. Summer break is almost over! We're about one month away from the first high school football game of the year. It comes upon us so fast, even more so for the students themselves. That's why it's never too early to start thinking back-to-school supplies.

Associated Charities of Ashland, a United Way of Ashland County agency, will once again hold Stuff the Bus at the Ashland Walmart. August 5th and 6th 9:00am to 3:00pm you can drop off your donated school supplies at the Ashland Walmart. Donated items will be sorted then stuffed into donated backpacks and distributed at Associated Charities Back-To-School celebration August 14th on Main Street in downtown Ashland from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.. The Back-to-School event will also offer free hot dogs and snacks, special giveaways from local vendors and back-to-school haircuts for students. Should time run out, haircut vouchers will be handed out.

What can you donate? Here's are the Most Needed School Supplies:

School Back Packs, pencil boxes, #2 pencils, Index Cards, Dry Erase Markers, Glue - bottles, Glue Sticks, Composition books, Box of 24 crayons, red & black pens, earbuds/headphones, spiral notebooks, loose leaf notebook paper (wide or college ruled), scissors (pointed & round), pocket folders, large pink erasers, highlighters, markers, colored pencils, post It notes, rulers, binders (1", 1 1/2" and 3" )

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